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Education on the culture and history of West Harris

Foghlam mu chultar agus dualchas Taobh Siar Na Hearadh

One of our aims is to educate the community and visitors about the heritage, culture and history of West Harris. The rich heritage and culture shared by the West Harris community makes the area a dynamic place of historical interest.


The area of West Harris is rich in natural and cultural heritage, with sites of archaeological interest reflecting ancient settlement patterns amongst the machair


Therefore, the West Harris Trust received £10000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, to create an archaeology interpretation project. Thanks to National Lottery players, the project aims to enhance the awareness of the community and visitors about our rich natural and cultural heritage.  The project will be based at Talla na Mara, the Community Enterprise Centre in West Harris, and will provide a range of learning activities for the community to enjoy.


The heritage sites included in the project are scheduled monuments of archaeological and national importance, reflecting coastal settlement patterns from the Bronze, Iron and Neolithic Ages. Our project will allow future generations of the community to be educated about heritage and share knowledge and passion of the area with each other

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